Every year we spend time thinking about our British Values (democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs) and holding debates and votes so the children feel involved in making some important decisions about our school. This year the children voted for their preferred whole school trip. The winning choice was an art trip so we are planning to visit the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford next summer. On November 5th, Years 5 and 6 visited The Houses of Parliament. First of all they had a tour around the House of Lords and watched a session in the House of Commons; they even saw the new Speaker walking to his first session. Then they had a workshop in which they had their own debate about animal abuse, had a talk by John Redwood and met our very own Richard Benyon on his last day. The children always love this trip and it gives them great ideas for their writing once they return to school.