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Pupil Premium

Sowing the Seeds for a Flourishing Future

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.


The pupil premium is an allocation of additional funding provided to schools to support specific groups of children who are vulnerable to possible underachievement. These include pupils who are entitled to free school meals, those Looked After by the Local Authority and children of armed service personnel. The intended effect of this funding is to accelerate progress, raise attainment and support the pupils in the participation of activities in the wider curriculum.

As a school we decide how the allocated pupil premium funding should be spent. We assess each child and decide what additional provision should be made for these pupils. We are then required to report on the amount of funding received, how this is being allocated and the impact of any additional support or provision. Governors review the impact of the use of the Pupil Premium Grant on an annual basis.


As a school we ensure that:

  • Teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all of the children.
  • Appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups, this includes ensuring that the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils are adequately assessed and addressed.
  • In making provision for socially disadvantaged pupils, we recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged. We also recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals.
  • Pupil premium funding will be allocated following a needs analysis which will identify priority classes, groups or individuals.
  • We monitor and evaluate our Pupil Premium spending, avoid spending it on activities that have little impact on achievement, and spend it in ways known to be most effective.

2022/23 Pupil Premium Strategy

2020/21 Pupil Premium Strategy

Barriers to learning

33% of the pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant in our school this year have SEND needs which create specific barriers to learning. In recent years many of the eligible pupils have started school with attainment below that expected of their actual age. Pupils with Special Educational Needs are supported with a Support and Achievement Plan or an EHCP.


Use of PPG

  • To provide LSA support in every class to enable:

Support for individuals/small groups of pupils in lessons.

Reduce group sizes in the teaching of phonics and other small group activities

  • ELSA training and support

To provide emotional support to identified pupils

  • Financial Assistance

To subsidise residential and day visits for pupils for whom the school receives the Pupil Premium Grant



      2019/20 Pupil Premium Strategy

      Academic Year 2019-20


      Intended use of the Pupil Premium for 2019-20

      For 2019-20 our school is expecting to receive £2760.


      Barriers to learning

      50% of the pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant in our school this year have SEND needs which create specific barriers to learning. In recent years many of the eligible pupils have started school with attainment below that expected of their actual age. Pupils with Special Educational Needs are supported with a Support and Achievement Plan or an EHCP.


      Use of PPG

      • To provide LSA support in every class to enable:

      Support for individuals/small groups of pupils in lessons.

      Reduce group sizes in the teaching of phonics and other small group activities

      • ELSA training and support

      To provide emotional support to identified pupils

      • Financial Assistance

      To subsidise residential and day visits for pupils for whom the school receives the Pupil Premium Grant


      Measuring impact


      • % of pupils achieving expected standards at the end of Key Stage One and Two
      • % of children achieving expected standards in other year groups
      • % of children making expected progress in Reading, Writing and Maths throughout the school
      • % of pupils participating in residential visits


      2018/19 Pupil Premium Strategy

      Academic Year 2018-19


      Intended use of the Pupil Premium for 2018-19

      For 2018-19 our school received £ 11,880


      Barriers to learning

      There are no specific barriers to learning for the Pupil Premium Pupils in our school. In recent years many of the pupils have started school with attainment below that expected of their actual age. Pupils with Special Educational Needs are supported with a support and achievement plan.


      Use of PPG

      • To provide LSA support in every class to enable:

      Support for individuals/small groups of pupils in lessons.

      Reduce group sizes in the teaching of phonics and other small group activities

      • ELSA training and support

      To provide emotional support to identified pupils

      • Financial Assistance

      To subsidise residential and day visits for pupils for whom the school receives the Pupil Premium Grant


      Measuring impact


      • % of pupils achieving expected standards at the end of Key Stage One and Two
      • % of children achieving expected standards in other year groups
      • % of children making expected progress in Reading, Writing and Maths throughout the school
      • % of pupils participating in residential visits




      2017/18 Pupil Premium Strategy

      Academic Year 2017-18


      Intended use of the Pupil Premium for 2017-18

      For 2017-18 our school received £7920


      Barriers to learning

      There are no specific barriers to learning for the Pupil Premium Pupils in our school. In recent years many of the pupils have started school with attainment below that expected of their actual age. Pupils with Special Educational Needs are supported with a support and achievement plan.


      Planned Use

      • To provide LSA support in every class to enable:

      Support for individuals/small groups of pupils in lessons.

      Reduce group sizes in the teaching of phonics and other small group activities

      • ELSA training and support

      To provide emotional support to identified pupils

      • Financial Assistance

      To subsidise residential and day visits for pupils for whom the school receives the Pupil Premium Grant


      Measuring impact


      • % of pupils achieving expected standards at the end of Key Stage One and Two
      • % of children achieving expected standards in other year groups
      • % of children making expected progress in Reading, Writing and Maths throughout the school
      • % of pupils participating in residential visits









