Sowing the Seeds for a Flourishing Future
Our Sports Ambassadors work with Mrs Carney to promote sport, PE and active play in school. They ensure there is equipment out at break times, encourage the children to join in with games, and also help Mrs Carney to organise sporting competitions both in and out of school. They promote our school values.
Our Sports Ambassadors for 2024-25 are:
Love of Others – encouraging children to play with each other, mixing older children and younger children
Love of Self – being active, feeling healthy and trying new things
Love of Life – having fun and a laugh together
Love of God’s World – respecting the equipment, putting it away and trying not to break it so it has to be put in the bin
Love of God – making sure there are quieter places on the playground to be
Last year our school community, suggested the following either through feedback, School Council or the Sports Ambassador's Suggestion Box. See how we got on with their suggestions:
More taster days - A Squash Week with taster sessions and clubs is planned for Wednesday 16th October - Friday 18th October. Berkshire Squash are coming to run these sessions for us.
Basketball posts for PE and playtimes - Sports money was used to buy two good quality basketball posts. Enough basketballs were purchased so that every child in a Y3/4 and Y5/6 lesson has a ball.
Pangbourne College running Netball and Rugby Club - these clubs have continued this year and are proving to be popular.
Our next meeting is on Tuesday 10th December at 3.10pm in the Library.
A new and improved Suggestions Box in the Library.
Sports Stars awards in Celebration Assembly.
Reminders for keeping the P.E Shed neat and tidy and how to use the equipment respectfully.
Information about being awarded 'Gold' in a School Games Sports Award.
After our OPAL Playtime Survey Feedback - more sports equipment out at playtimes and lunchtimes for everyone to use.
Netting/mesh at the bottom of the horse field fence to stop the balls from rolling into it.
New 'play' areas on the field and playground.
Different games to play.