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Stars of the Week

Monday 22nd July 2024

FS2:                   Theo - for upholding the values of the school

Year 1:               Rory - for upholding the values of the school

Year 2:               Halima - for upholding the values of the school

Years 3/4:          Phoebe - for great focus when learning

                           Max - for good effort when working independently

                           Evalyn - for a lovely write-up of our Ashmolean trip

                           Alex - for enthusiasm in and out of class

                          Ted - for great mapwork in orienteering

                          Frankie - for great mapwork in orienteering

                          Jack - for super, neat writing about the Langar

                          Noah - for super, neat writing about the Langar

Years 5/6:         Kian - for improvement in behaviour and attitude

                          Eli - for a positive attitude in lessons

                          Aiva - for drawing a great programme cover

HT Stars:          Bo - for showing great resilience

Friday 5th July 2024

FS2:                   Phiorella - for recreating Lucas's Baptism

                           Fenn - for a good knowledge of the natural world

                           Lola - for showing 'Love of Others'

Year 1:               Oscar - for his extensive vocabulary in phonics

                           Matilda - for excellent story writing

Year 2:               Ben - for deeo thinkng in Mrs Watts's bee talk

                           Jasper - for inspired journal writing

Years 3/4:          Lily - for being resilient in difficult times

                           Amber - for consistently good focus on learning

                           Milla - for excellent paired work

                           Gracie - for working hard at a mature writing style

                           Alice - for working hard at a mature writing style

                           Willow - for working well in gymnastics

Years 5/6:          Rafa - for great maths teaching

                           Pippa - for entrepreneurship

HT Stars:           Amelia - for excelling in gymnastics

Friday 21st June 2024

FS2:                   Penny  - for trying hard in everything

                           Sofia - for being delightful

Year 1:               Teddy - for working hard with phonics

                           Anna-Sophia - for working hard with phonics

Year 2:               Rome - for working independently

                           Evie - for working hard with her writing

Years 3/4:          Phoebe - for being great at following instructions and trying her best

                           Evalyn - for producing high standards in topic work

                           Noah - for writing much more in his lovely stories

                           Katryn - for demonstrating our school values

                           Josh - for showing great resilience and asking great questions at the Englefield Countryside Day

Years 5/6:          Teddy - for working hard in English

                           Stanley - for excellent bread - kneading

                           Annie - for super contributions to class discussions

HT Stars:           Austin - for always being conscientious and taking pride in his work

Friday 7th June 2024

FS2:                   Leo Chrisp - for great effort and achievement

                           Freddie - for mathematical application with sharing

Year 1:               Eoin - for rising to a challenge in maths

                           Rex - for rising to a challenge in maths

Year 2:               Jesse - for fluency in mathematical understanding

                           Honey - for confidence with subtraction methods

Years 3/4:          Austin - for great sportsmanship in PE

                           Liesl - for super, joined handwriting

                           Gracie - for good use of strategies for times tables

                           Katryn - for demonstrating our school values

                           Jack - for great effort with his Thirtover report

                           Alfie S - for being an all-round superstar

Years 5/6:          Mollie - for great attitude and progress in maths

                           Isla - for a positive attitude to life and learning

                           Luke - for excellent effort across the curriculum

                           Sophie - for reliability

HT Stars:           Tess - for outstanding work across the curriculum

Friday 10th May 2024

FS2:                   Lucas - for sharing his baptism with us

                           Theo - for being a great member of the class in all aspects

Year 1:               Rory - for being a polite and helpful member of the class

                           Olivia - for trying hard in her work

Year 2:               Aden - for enthusiasm for learning

                           Lily - for a positive attitude to learning

Years 3/4:          Pharrley - for great effort in swimming

                           Alfie C - for great effort in swimming

                           Isla - for a positive attitude to learning

                           Alex K - for good progress with focus in class

                           Oscar - for excellent work in all areas

                           Xavi - for keeping the class interested with fascinating facts

Years 5/6:          Finn - for improved focus in maths

                           Maya - for creativity in Shared Learning

                           Lilah - for a great attitude to revision

                           Annie - for enthusiasm in lessons

HT Stars:           Sophie - for great commitment to her school community

Friday 26th April 2024

FS2:                   Phiorella - for a positive attitude to writing

                           Etta - for a good understanding of the books she reads and hears

Year 1:               Seren - for progress in reading

                           Florence - for a positive attitude to learning

Year 2:               Thomas - for development in spelling

                           Wren - for a positive attitude to maths

Years 3/4:          Damian - for excellent skills in cricket

                           Alfie C - for a brilliant catch-up in maths after an absence

                           Josh - for making a real effort to write more

                           Willow - for super focus in class

                           Alice - for super focus in class

                           Jude - for super focus in class

Years 5/6:          Elliot - for consistent kindness to others

                           Eva - for excellent effort in lessons

                           Tess - for consistently pushing herself

                           Amelia - for beautiful presentation in her science work   

HT Stars:           Penny - for confidently expressing her love of learning

Friday 22nd March 2024

FS2:                   Poppy - for enthusiastic story-writing

                           Robyn - for enthusiastic story-writing

Year 1:               Malina - for always trying her hardest in everything she does

                           Lola - for always trying her hardest in everything she does

Year 2:               Lia - for always showing empathy

                           Halima - for working hard on her reading both in school and at home

Years 3/4:          All: for a superb performance of Sing Easter!

Years 5/6:          Finn - for perseverance in learning

                           Aiva - for excellent focus

                           James - for a great attitude in lessons

                           Pippa - for a super attitude towards revision    

HT Stars:           Willow - for a fantastic and moving performance as Jesus.

Friday 8th March 2024

FS2:                   Isaac - for good progress in writing

                           Lucas - for taking care with, and pride in, all his work

Year 1:               Eva - for being a super scientist

                           Cooper - for a positive attitude to reading, both at home and at school

Year 2:               Mabel - for a neat and careful start to an information page

                           Luca - for a neat and careful start to an information page

Years 3/4:          Cohen - for making good choices to help him learn

                           Lily - for always working hard and being polite

                           Josh - for making good effort with his handwriting

                           Evie - for having a mature attitude with sparkly enthusiasm

                           Elodie - for being a super morning helper and organiser

                           Alex B - for participating well in the Tenor Horn lessons

Years 5/6:          Mollie - for performing a poem well in class

                           Ella - for performing a poem well in class

                           Sophie - for performing a poem well in class

                           Pharrell - for performing a poem well in class

                           Scarlet - for learning a long and complex poem

HT Stars:           Kaya - for being so enthusiastic and positive at the football tournament


Friday 23rd February 2024

FS2:                   Milo - for listening and trying hard

                          Lola - for trying hard with her work

Year 1:               Jessica - for maturity and independence

                           Oscar - for taking pride in all aspects of learning

Year 2:               Arlo - for better resilience in learning - keep wobbling

Years 3/4:          Xavi - for a super letter

                           Alex K - for a super letter

                           Cohen - for careful claywork

                           Oscar - for great learning and careful presentation

                           Frankie - for good focus in maths

Years 5/6:          Elliott - for good effort in lessons and improved attitude to homework

                           Eli - for motivation in maths and English

                           Sebastian - for putting himself forward to read out work or act

                           Lilah - for improved effort with homework

HT Stars:           Lily - for super effort in all areas

                           Mia - for standing up for the environment

Friday 2nd February 2024

FS2:                   Sofia - for a mature attitude

                           Fenn - for enthusiastic participation

Year 1:               Matilda - for challenging herself

                           Teddy - for interesting and interested conversation

Year 2:               Kaya - for a positive attitude to reading and writing

                           Rome - for reading and writing numbers correctly

Years 3/4:          Felicity - for enthusiasm in all areas of school life

                           Evie - for great mathematical thinking

                           E - for super presentation

                           Ted - for a super double-page spread about the Tudors

                           Evalyn - for great DT

                           Ollie - for great DT

                           Frankie - for good participation in maths

                           Austin - for always producing work of a high quality

Years 5/6:          Isla - for good effort in lessons

                           Bo - for independence

                           Ella - for being 'on the ball'

                           Stanley - for focus in learning

                           Annabelle - for love of others

HT Star:           Phiorella -for being the Queen of Independence

Friday 19th January 2024

FS2:                   Isaac - for a positive attitude to gymnastics

                           Phiorella - for too many things to list!

Year 1:               Anna-Sophia - for a great attitude, confidence and application of learning at school and at home

                           Florence - for great reading at school and at home

Year 2:               Louis - for science knowledge and explanations

                           Jasper - for a positive attitude

Years 3/4:          Gracie - for being a good organiser

                           Mia - for always producing work of a high quality

                           Felicity - for great handwriting

                           Ollie - for following instructions and focusing on his learning

Years 5/6:          Corey - for making the right choices

                           Eva - for being helpful to her maths partner

                           Amelia - for super work and effort

                           Pippa - for a beautiful piece of English work

HT Stars:          James - for a mature attitude to school and learning

Friday 8th December 2023

FS2:                   Theo - for being and all-round class superstar!

                           Penny - for showing increased confidence

Year 1:               Eva - for hard work in learning her play lines

                           Seren - for good maths

Year 2:               Ben - for lovely manners

                           Evie - for learning her play words quickly and reliably

Years 3/4:          I - for great focus in art

                           Jack - for great focus in art

                           Alex B - for super focus in his reading assessment

                           Noah - for wonderful improvement in handwriting

                           Liesl - for helping others

                           Ted - for being an all-round fantastic Year 4

Years 5/6:          Bo - for helping Miss Langston at Art Club

                           Scarlet - for helping Miss Langston at Art Club

                           Tess - for helping Miss Langston at Art Club

HT Stars:           Amber - for doing double spellings each week

Friday 24th November 2023

FS2:                   Poppy - for great reading

Year 1:               Rex - for consistently good effort

                           Cooper - for showing his love of learning

Year 2:               Luca - for good learning at home and at school

                           Mabel - for increased confidence and participation

Years 3/4:          Josh - for great effort in class

                           Liesl - for great effort in class

                           Milla - for producing work of a high standard

                           Cohen - for persevering even when faced with a challenge

Years 5/6:          Teddy - for excellent effort in assessments

                           Sophie - for resilience and perseverance across all areas

HT Stars:          Pharrell - for promoting the school so well on our Open Days

                          Pippa - for promoting the school so well on our Open Days

Friday 10th November 2023

FS2:                   Robyn - for being kind

Year 1:               Olivia - for great problem-solving in maths

                           Eoin - for inspired firework poetry

Year 2:               Honey - for independent writing

                           Jesse - for beautiful presentation of work

Years 3/4:          Damian - for a positive to learning

                           Phoebe - for showing growing confidence

                           Noah - for great maths and science learning

Years 5/6:          Kian - for increased responsibility whist the class were away

                           Elliott - for increased responsibility whist the class were away

                           Pharrell - for increased responsibility whist the class were away

                          James - being an organised Sports Ambassador

HT Stars:          Mollie - for showing resilience and a positive attitude on residential

Friday 6th October 2023

FS2:                   Etta - for showing 'Love of Others'

                           Lucas - for a positive attitude to learning his sounds

Year 1:               Billy - for progress in reading

                           Rory - for progress in reading

Year 2:               Wren - for maths

                           Lily - for reading

Years 3/4:          Max - for excellent focus on all areas

                           Pharrley - for great effort, especially in maths

                           Jude - for being kind and well-mannered, and working hard

                           Alfie S - for always facing challenges in maths

Years 5/6:          Rafa - for good editing skills

                           Elliot - for great effort in maths

                           Mollie - for being brave enough to 'have a go'!

                           Seb - for quiet focus in lessons

HT Stars:          Theodore - for being a polite and sensible Super Star at Barn Owls

Friday 22nd September 2023

FS2:                   The whole group for settling in so well at Englefield

Year 1:               Malina - for a great attitude to learning

                           Lola - for a great attitude to learning

Year 2:               Lia - for being a class superstar!

                           Halima - for trying hard at everything

Years 3/4:          Alfie C - for settling in brilliantly to Year 3

                           Evie - for settling in brilliantly to Year 3

                           Felicity - for being a super Year 4 helper

                           Katryn - for being a super Year 4 helper

                           E - for beautiful presentation of all her learning

Years 5/6:          Luke - for excellent effort in all lessons

                           Maya - for settling in so well at Englefield

                           Aiva - for settling in so well at Englefield

                          Pharrell - for quiet focus in lessons

                          Seb - for quiet focus in lessons

HT Stars:          Jasper - for a fantastic start to the new school year

Friday 14th July 2023

FS2:                   Rex - for all-round good work

                           Billy - for good contributions in RE

                           Rory - for good contributions in RE

Year 1:               Luca - for great enthusiasm and giving everything a go

                           Dilly - for loving life with a smile

Year 2:               Mia - for talking to the class about her trip to South America

                           Phoebe - for rising to the challenge in maths lessons - keep it up!

Years 3/4:          Isla - for showing a keen interest in RE learning

                           Luke - for his excellent maths knowledge

                           Stanley - for always challenging himself

                           Gracie - for having a go in the movement and worship workshop

                           Katryn - for being a kind friend

                           Oscar - for trying all of the dance moves in the movement and worship workshop

Years 5/6:          All - for an excellent production of 'Let Loose!'    

HT Stars:           Will - for great cricket coaching and a super attitude to learning

Friday 30th June 2023

FS2:                   Anna-Sophia - for mature and sensible behaviour 

                           O - for hard work with reading

Year 1:               Jesse - for not being daunted by last mnute changes to the class assembly

                           Evie - for excellent reading of a tricky Bible passage

Year 2:               Liesl - for trying really hard in everything she does

                           Austin - for taking pride in his work

Years 3/4:          Oscar - for always challenging himself and going the extra mile

                           Gracie - for trying her best in all areas of the curriculum

                           Alice - for her excellent handwriting

                           Katryn - for a positive attitude to learning

                           Milla - for being a kind and considerate friend

                           Stanley - for a positive attitude to learning

Years 5/6:          Harrison - for helping with the races on Sports Day    

                           Henry - for helping with the races on Sports Day 

                           Toby - for helping with the races on Sports Day   

                           Wilf - for helping with the races on Sports Day    

HT Stars:           Joshua - for working so hard with Mrs Carney on his number knowledge

Friday 16th June 2023

FS2:                   Jessica - for sensible behaviour and a good attitude to learning

                           Teddy - for good PE - Mr Chard was so proud of you!

Year 1:               Rome - for loving your family and doing your best for them

                           Louis - for your wise use of independent learning time

Year 2:               Joshua - for enthusiasm when doing maths tasks

                           Jack - for mathematical reasoning

Years 3/4:          Everyone for havng a fantastic residential trip!

Years 5/6:          Eliza B - for accepting and trying new challenges

                           Amelia - for getting into the spirit of the Year 5/6 production and learning lines well       

                           Seb - for getting into the spirit of the Year 5/6 production and learning lines well    

HT Stars:           Eva - for great improvement in reading

Friday 19th May 2023

FS2:                   Matilda - for a really positive attitude to learning

                           Eoin - for a really positive attitude to learning

                           Oscar - for a really positive attitude to learning

Year 1:               Aden - for excellent reading

                           Kaya - great work on rainforest layers

                           Ben - for a positive attitude to learning

Year 2:               Isla - excellent reading

                           M - for showing resilience in all areas of learning

                           Amber - for a positive attitude to learning

Years 3/4:          Ella - for being a kind and considerate friend

                           Elliot - for always challenging himself

                           E - for a positive attitude to learning

                           Eva - for always trying her best in all areas of learning

Years 5/6:          Annie - for excellent contributions to discussions at the Forensic Science Workshop

                           Peter - for excellent contributions to discussions at the Forensic Science Workshop                

HT Stars:           T - for being mature when problem-solving a real life situation


Star of the Week certificates also go to the eleven children from choir who came to sing at the Bradfield May Fayre:

Tess, Kacey, Scarlet, Mollie, Felicity, Oscar, Gracie, Willow, Frankie, Katryn and Alice

Friday 28th April 2023

FS2:                   Florence - for her positive attitude

                           Eva - for progress in reading

Year 1:               Arlo - for neat, accurate work in all subjects

                           Holly - for being a kind member of the class

Year 2:               Evalyn - for a positive attitude to school

                           Alex - for progress in reading

Years 3/4:          Elliott - for trying so hard with his reading

                           Kian - for demonstrating a positive attituide towards all of his learning

                           Eli - for always 'having a go'

                           Willow - for challenging herself in maths

Years 5/6:          Henry - for great attitude and focus

                           T - for looking after our younger children

                           Ryleigh - for a great attitude to booster sessions

                           Kacey - for a great attitude to booster sessions

                           Lily - for a great attitude to booster sessions

                           Eliza T - for a great attitude to booster sessions

                           Harrison - for a great attitude to booster sessions

HT Stars:           Toby - for an excellent, mature attitude to Year 6 revision

Friday 17th March 2023

FS2:                   Cooper - for great reading

                           Seren - for good learning in all areas

Year 1:               Lia - for being a kind, throughtful and hard-working member of the class

                           M - for excellent reading

Year 2:               Alfie C - for enjoying reading

                           Evie - for trying hard with multiplication and division

Years 3/4:          Felicity - for always being kind and caring

                           Noah - for his great focus and concentration

                           Mollie - for trying hard and not giving up

Years 5/6:          Darcey - for showing love of others by fund-raising for charity

                           Darcie - for showing love of others by fund-raising for charity

                           Eliza B - for showing love of others by fund-raising for charity

                           T - for showing love of others by fund-raising for charity

                           Inti - for being an all-round excellent individual!

HT Stars:           Zander - for willingly standing in at the last minute in a cross-country event

Friday 3rd March 2023

FS2:                   Rory - for being a good writer

                           Billy - for being a good writer

Year 1:               Halima - for being an enthusiastic and inspired book-writer

                           Lily - for being an enthusiastic and inspired book-writer

Year 2:               Pharrley - for inspired writing and committed book-making

                           Lily - for inspired writing and committed book-making

Years 3/4:          Jude - for performing his poem with confidence and humour

                           Corey - for trying to do the right thing even when it is tricky

                           Xavi - for fantastic participation in group discussions and asking pertinent questions

Years 5/6:          James - for showing 'love of others' through his half term fund-raising

                           Darcey - for excellent focus and effort during lessons

                           Harrison - for bravery and enthusiasm in the poetry competition

                           Dolly-Rose - for fitting in so well at Englefield

HT Stars:           Wren - for confidence in the poetry competition

Friday 3rd February 2023

FS2:                   Lola - for trying her hardest with everything

                           Rex - for showing confidence when speaking to our school governors

Year 1:               Thomas - for a really positive attitude to learning

                           Mabel - for careful artwork

Year 2:               Phoebe - for excellent addition and subtraction

                           Mia - for inspired creative writing

                           Pharrley - for showing great fellowship and 'Love of Others'

Years 3/4:          Rafa - for demonstrating excellent knowledge in maths

                           Ted - for always showing 'Love of Others'

                           Willow - for trying so hard with her reading

                           Ollie - for excellent presentation

Years 5/6:          Tess - for resilience and determination, leading to an excellent car

                           Sophie - for resilience and determination, leading to an excellent car

                           Henry - for showing 'Love of Others' towards our youngest children

                           Peter - for a permanently positive attitude in school

HT Stars:           Lilah - for being our superstar lunch eater

Friday 20th January 2023

FS2:                   Malina - for excellent sound knowledge and blending

                           Florence - for showing the school values

Year 1:               Honey - for thinking and contributing

                           Jesse - for deep thinking

                           Jasper - for working hard on the presentation of his work

Year 2:               Alfie S - for good questioning in his learning  

                           Joshua - for wobbling positively with his writing

Years 3/4:          Gracie - for demonstrating our school values

                           Frankie - for consistently trying hard with all of his learning

                           Katryn - for improving her handwriting

                           Alice - for trying so hard with her maths learning

Years 5/6:          Darcie - for 'love of others'

                           Kacey - for taking pride in her work

HT Stars:           Cooper - for showing 'love of others' by taking the time to write to King Charles after the death of HM Queen

                                          Elizabeth II

Friday 16th December 2022

FS2:                   Teddy - for enthusiastic participation in 'Christmas Counts'

Year 1:               Luca - for good focus during independent writing

                           Holly - for expressive performance in the Nativity

Year 2:               Liesl - for a confident attitude in the Nativity     

Years 3/4:          Isla - for trying so hard with her reading

                           Milla - for consistently pushing herself and rising to the challenge

Years 5/6:          Lilah - for great focus in lessons

                           Anna - for taking the initiative to put on a play

HT Stars:           Alex B - for showing 'Love of Others' by sharing with his Ukrainian house guests

Friday 2nd December 2022

FS2:                   Olivia - for knowing her play words

                           Jessica - for good organisational skills in our play

Year 1:               Evie - for reliable acting

                           Dilly - for good effort and focus in English and maths

Year 2:               Alex K - for brilliant progress in reading

                           Max - for expressive acting as a shepherd         

Years 3/4:          Felicity - for trying so hard with her reading

                           Oscar - for always working hard and challenging himself

                           Eli - for trying so hard and always with a smile

Years 5/6:          Pippa - for quiet focus in lessons

                           Will - for a great attitude to learning

HT Stars:           Eva - for having the confidence to audition for a Christmas solo

                           Eli - for being brave enough to play in the football team

Friday 25th November 2022

FS2:                   Anna-Sophia - for good shape work

Year 1:               Kaya - for focused and thoughtful learning

                           Louis - for enthusiastic learning

Year 2:               Jack - for thinking carefully about his learning  

                           Evie - for reflective learning in RE            

Years 3/4:          Stanley - for always going the extra mile with his learning

                           Elodie - for being a caring member of the class who is always keen to help others

Years 5/6:          Scarlet - for adopting an impressively mature style in creative writing

                           Eliza T - for good focus and a great attitude in maths

HT Stars:           Rex - for showing extra 'love of others' on Children in Need Day

Friday 18th November 2022

FS2:                   Billy - for being a reading superstar!

                           Rory - for being a polite and helpful member of the class

Year 1:               Arlo - for good editing

                           Wren - for greater participation in class

Year 2:               Mia - for growing resilience in maths problem-solving     

                           Isla - for super effort with handwriting and being happy to 'wobble'                 

Years 3/4:          Luke - for good focus in writing

                           Xavi - for participation in class discussions

Years 5/6:          James - for going out of his comfort zone

                           Zander - for calm and quiet focus in lessons

HT Stars:           Anna - for putting herself forward and doing her bit

Friday 11th November 2022

FS2:                   Oscar - for excellent maths

                           Eoin - for starting to become an author

Year 1:               Aden - for a more mature attitude in lessons and beyond                          

Year 2:               Pharrley - for rising to challenge                           

Years 3/4:          Elliot - for being a mature, caring and hard working member of the class

                           Eva - for trying so hard with her maths learning

Years 5/6:          Bo - for great writing and effort in maths

                           Harrison - for being 'on the ball' in maths lessons

HT Stars:           Kacey -  for love of others and showing great initiative

                           Eliza T - for love of others and showing great initiative

Friday 4th November 2022

FS2:                   Rex - for great progress in all areas

                           Cooper - for trying hard in everything he does

Year 1:               Rome - for trying hard in all areas of learning

                           Halima - for always trying hard and with a smile

Year 2:               Amber - for super reading progress

                           Alex - for a more positive attitude to his schoolwork     

                           Austin - for showing resilience in everything      

Years 3/4:          Noah - for having the confidence to answer questions

                           Finn - for trying hard in everything

Years 5/6:          Sebastian - for being an engaged and enthusiastic learner

                           Eliza B - for taking on a new challenge with enthusiasm


Friday 14th October 2022

FS2:                   Matilda - for sheer enthusiasm

                           Seren - for giving carefully-considered answers

Year 1:               Lily - for being mature, independent and sensible

                           Ben - for working hard on handwriting both at home and at school

Year 2:               Lily - for challenging herself and being conscientious in all work                

Years 3/4:          Jude - for having the confidence to put his hand up and answer questions

                           Corey - for trying hard with his writing

Years 5/6:          Tess - for excellent focus in all lessons

                           Toby - for greater effort in home learning

HT Star:             Liesl - for a positive attitude to learning both at home and at school

Friday 7th October 2022

FS2:                   Florence - for being a thoughtful buddy

                           Malina - for helping others with art and craft

Year 1:               Dilly - for greater focus and having a positive attitude to school life

                           Lia - for brilliant problem-solving in maths

Year 2:               Alfie C - for a positive attitude to learning

                           Alfie S - for excellent contributions to class discussions       

Years 3/4:          Kian - for settling in well and making some new friends

                           Cohen - for always being keen to learn in all areas of the curriculum

Years 5/6:          Tilly - for always going the extra mile

                           Amelia - for positive contributions to class discussions  

HT Star:             Eoin - for being so brave when he was injured

Friday 30th September 2022

FS2:                   Eva  - for being a class superstar

                           Lola - for being considerate to others

Year 1:               Thomas - for having a positive attitude to school life

                           Jesses - for trying really hard in all areas

Year 2:               Evalyn - for embracing challenge

                           Max - for a great attitude to learning        

Years 3/4:          Ella - for a great attituide towards her learning

                           Mollie - for trying really hard with her reading

Years 5/6:          Sophie - for showing love of others at Rushall Farm

                           Peter - for showing love of life at Rushall Farm      

HT Star:             Lily - for having a mature attitude and a willingness to try new things

Friday 16th September 2022

FS2:                   The whole class - for settling in so well at school

Year 1:               Evie - for being kind - love of others

                           Jasper - for being an enthusiastic and excited learner

Year 2:               Joshua - for a positive attitude to learning at home and at school - love of life

                           Phoebe - for enthusiastic learning - love of life        

Years 3/4:          Elliott - for having a positive attitude and being ready to learn

                           Teddy - for settling in so well

Years 5/6:          Ryleigh - for an excellent start to Year 6

                           Pharrell - for being a keen learner across the curriculum        

HT Star:             Frankie - for having the courage to try something new

Friday 15th July 2022

FS2:                   Luca - for his enthusiasm for learning

                           Evie - for excellent effort in all areas

Year 1:               Joshua - for making the most of the day at St James

                           Lily - for making the most of the day at St James

Year 2:               Alex - for intelligent questioning       

                           Xavi - for communicating well with others          

Years 3/4:          Lilah - for reading Varjak Paw out loud to the class

                           Stanley - for independently typing a non-chronological report

Years 5/6:          Lily - for hard work and perseverance

                           Harrison - for resilience and effort

                           Eliza T - for learning a huge number of lines

HT Star:             Maddie - for outstanding work across the curriculum, including superb acting

Thursday 30th June 2022

FS2:                   M - for being a good all-round superstar!

                           Aden - for being a brilliant and sensible big brother

Year 1:               Alex - for being a more inspired learner

                           I - for taking more responsibility     

Year 2:               E - for learning from mistakes and embracing challenge with a smile!                       

Years 3/4:          Mollie - for having the confidence to take part in new activities

                           Luke - for working as part of a team and not giving up

Years 5/6:          T - for being a kind friend to others

                           Year 6 & Ms Alvarado - for a fantastic piece of Leavers' Artwork                   

HT Star:             J - for being so brilliant on the move-up day to Year 5

Friday 17th June 2022

FS2:                   Rome - for great ideas for the class assembly

                           Kaya - for confident knowledge of our assembly routines

Year 1:               Alfie C - for showing resilience

                           Phoebe - for her quiet confidence        

Year 2:               Cohen - for a positive attitude to challenge

                           Jude - for always working hard

Years 3/4:          Pharrell - for always working hard and challenging himself

                           Sebastian - for writing an excellent recount about Thirtover

Years 5/6:          Zander - for pushing himself past his comfort zone

                           Toby - for an improved attitude to homework

                           Isla - for making a huge effort to learn her lines for the Year 5/6 play                      

HT Star:             Anna - for showing a mature attitude and a positive attitude to learning

Friday 10th June 2022

FS2:                    Arlo - for great story-writing and good use of independent learning time

                           Lily - for good use fo phonic knowledge to aid writing

Year 1:               Evalyn - for working hard at focus and accuracy

                           Pharrley - for being a reading superstar!                

Year 2:               Willow - for taking responsibility for her own learning

                           Oscar - for trying his best on all aspects of learning

Years 3/4:          The whole class - for a fantastic residential trip to Thirtover

Years 5/6:          Miss Hill - for passing her teaching placement well and being a real asset

                           Darcey - for being a kind and supportive friend

                           Will - for producing a great piece of creative writing and for being a superb batsman         

                           Samantha - for super answers in class discussions         

HT Star:             Boston - for managing his competitiveness brilliantly and being an excellent team player

Friday 20th May 2022

FS2:                   Louis - for great story-writing

                           Holly - for being a mature and conscientious member of the class

Year 1:               Damian - for working hard on the presentation of his work

                           Amber - for a mature and positive attitude to all aspects of school life                   

Year 2:               Alice - for keeping calm and staying positive

                          Jude - for thinking carefully

Years 3/4:          Elliot - for always being a posiitve role model

                           I - for trying so hard with her learning

                           Eli - for settling in so well and trying hard with his learning

Years 5/6:          Toby - for an excellent 'Wolf Brother' picture

                           Zander - for fantastic paired work in both English and maths

                           Maddie - for fantastic paired work in both English and maths                      

HT Star:             Luke - for a really mature attitude to towards secondary school transition activities

Friday 6th May 2022

FS2:                   Lia - for good use of independent learning across a range of subjects

                           Luca - for a more productive use of independent learning

Year 1:               Max - for great independent writing using time connectives

                           Liesl - for great effort and always sharing a smile                       

Year 2:               Felicity - for excellent thinking in RE

                           Ted - for all-round effort in all subjects

Years 3/4:          Finn - for trying something new and not giving up

                           Eva - for her excellent design idea

Years 5/6:          Logan - for a positive attitude toward the Easter SATs booster class

                           Ryleigh - for being enthusiastic and confident about her work

                           Amelia - for excellent concentration in maths

                           Maddie - for her fantastic attitude to learning

HT Star:             Halima - for settling in so brilliantly at her new school

Friday 29th April 2022

FS2:                   Thomas - for great reading and sound work

                           Wren - for a great attitude to learning

Year 1:               Evie - for a positive attitude to independent work

                           Jack - for excellent participation and taking pride in all his learning                        

Year 2:               Noah - for his positive attitude

                           Oliver - for taking care in Design Technology and Art

Years 3/4:          James - for trying something new and not giving up

                           Corey - for being brave and trying something new

Years 5/6:          Boston - for going above and beyond in the Easter holidays

HT Star:             Isla F - for going above and beyond expectations when doing additional revision

Friday 1st April 2022

FS2:                    Isaak - for great subtraction

                           Evie - for great subtraction

Year 1:               Joshua - for trying to 'have a go' independently

                           Alfie C - for trying really hard in all subjects                        

Year 2:               Alice - for trying to deal calmly with her 'wobbles'

                           Milla - for good participation and giving carefully-considered answers

Years 3/4:          The whole class for a fantastic production of Trouble at the Tudor Banquet

Years 5/6:          Kacey - for working hard in lessons

                           Darcie - for being an excellent role model to others

                          Wilf - for being a kind friend

HT Star:            Millie - for bringing everyone joy in the Year 3/4 production

Friday 25th March 2022

FS2:                    Lily - for her handwriting

                            Dilly - for good focus during our history topic

Year 1:                Phoebe - for showing school values in everyday life

                           Isla - for good work in maths                        

Year 2:               Gracie - for thinking harder about her learning

                           Jude - for love of life!

Years 3/4:          Elliott - for showing integrity and always doing the right thing

                           Pippa - for working hard to improve her writing

Years 5/6:          Lily - for love of others

                           Boston - for love of others

HT Star:             Ben - for consistent politeness and good manners - a great role model!


Friday 18th March 2022

FS2:                    Lia - for trying hard in all she does

                            Arlo - for increasing independence in his writing

Year 1:                Alex - for greater independence in his work

                            Pharrley - for greater independence in his work                          

Year 2:               Oliver - for thinking of others

                           Katryn - for using feedback to grow her learning

Years 3/4:          Stanley - for settling back into Englefield and trying so hard with his learning

                           Bo - for being a good role model and a caring friend

                           Tess - for persevering with her learning and challenging herself

Years 5/6:          T - for stepping in at late notice to lead an act of worship

                           Anna - for stepping in at late notice to lead an act of worship

HT Star:             Samantha - for a mature attitude and showing good leadership and organisation

                           Grace - for a mature attitude and showing good leadership and organisation 

Friday 11th March 2022

FS2:                    Holly - for trying hard in class

                            Honey- for showing more confidence when speaking in class

Year 1:                Amber - for trying hard in all her learning

                            Mia - for settling back into life at Englefield so well                          

Year 2:               Oscar - for great thinking in RE lessons

                           Willow - for making a huge effort with maths both at home and at school

Years 3/4:          Scarlet - for her excellent knowledge of The Tudors

                           Millie - for trying hard when building her Tudor house and not giving up

                           Ella - for being a kind and caring friend

Years 5/6:          Year 6 - for working hard and persevering with their assessments

                           Year 5 - for being so understanding, accommodating and mature

HT Star:             Alfie S - for speaking up so bravely when meeting with our Governors

Friday 11th February 2022

FS2:                    Dilly - for working hard at her handwriting

                            Ben - for working hard at his handwriting

Year 1:                Max - for taking pride in all his learning

                            Alfie C - for a mature attitude                           

Year 2:                Alex - for being a super cooperative learner and a good friend

                           Cohen - for making great progress with his spellings - he tries hard and focuses well

                           Noah - for making great progress with his spellings - he tries hard and focuses well

Years 3/4:          Bailey - for being a kind and caring friend

                           Elliott - for being keen to learn new things and having a good attitude towards his learning

                           Finn - for trying hard with his writing and not giving up

Years 5/6:          Lucas - for showing resilience and working hard

                           Jennifer - for being helpful to others

                           Darcey - for excellent work across the curriculum

                           Will - for always being willing to have a go

HT Star:             Pharrell - for such a mature and caring nature and always putting others first

Friday 4th February 2022

FS2:                     Honey - for increased confidence

                            Jasper - for being helpful

Year 1:                 Lily - for excellent independent maths, thinking about place value

                             Austin - for excellent independent maths, thinking about place value

                            Alfie S - for excellent independent maths, thinking about place value

Year 2:                E - for showing great focus in writing and maths lessons and thinking hard

                           Ted - for much improved joined handwriting and taking more pride in his work

Years 3/4:           Amelia - for being a good role model and going the extra mile

                           Sophie - for her hard work and dedication in all subjects

                           Rafa - for trying hard with his writing and not giving up

Years 5/6:          Grace - for being a presentational role model

                           Phoebe - for consistent hard work and effort in all subjects

                           Eliza T - for producing some excellent artwork whilst isolating

                           Zander - for creating great work in all subjects whilst isolating

HT Star:             Darcie - for super concentration, perseverance and effort in all she does

Friday 28th January 2022

FS2:                     Wren - for great sound work

                            Jasper - for great sound work

Year 1:                 Liesl - for being an independent thinker when talking about a story. 

                            Evalyn - for beautiful presentation in Science and taking care with her drawing and writing.

Year 2:                Gracie - for taking pride in all her learning both at school and at home.

                            Milla - for being an eager and enthusiastic learner. We love your readiness to learn! 

Years 3/4:           Eva - for stepping in and being a good friend and role model

                            Tess - for always being ready to learn and going the extra mile

                           Annie - for working hard to improve her handwriting

Years 5/6:          Anna - for an excellent motivational speech

                           Eliza B - for super decimal work

                           Samantha - for continued independence in her learning

HT Star:             Sebastian – for flourishing and blooming in every area

Friday 21st January 2022

FS2:                     Ben - for a great description of Independent Learning during assembly

                            Kaya – for great child initiated, independent maths

                            Mrs Sheppard – for being very helpful and kind to Mrs Latimer

Year 1:                 Evalyn – for great child initiated independent maths

                            Max – for listening to instruction to enable independent work in art.        

Year 2:                 Noah  – for sharing his knowledge about the ten commandments.

                            Year 1/2 - for being so helpful to Mrs Latimer.

Years 3/4:            Bo – for settling in so well and making new friends

                           James – for his positive attitude towards his maths learning 

                           Pharrell – for being keen to learn new things and having a good attitude towards all of his learning 

                           Mrs Jackson - for being so helpful to Mrs Latimer, even when she was feeling poorly

Years 5/6:           Henry - for enthusiasm for reading with an adult

                           Harrison - for kindness to other children

                           Isla -  for independent learning 

                           Maddie  -  for independent learning 

HT Star:             Amelia Fa – for completing all learning tasks to a high standard and doing everything that is asked of her

Friday 14th January 2022

FS2:                     Rome - for a very positive return to school

Year 1:                 Evie - for a clear and concise explanation of wisdom               

Year 2:                 Xavier - for listening to instructions well, enabling him to complete tasks effectively

Years 3/4:            Lily - for being so keen to improve her handwriting and not giving up

                            Luke - for being kind and caring, and showing love of others

                            Mollie - for showing confidence when learning new things and not giving up

Years 5/6:            Logan - for showing excellent maturity and working collaboratively in PE

                            Harley - for showing excellent maturity and working collaboratively in PE

                            Peter - for showing excellent maturity and working collaboratively in PE

                            Tilly - for showing excellent maturity and working collaboratively in PE

HT Star:               Alice - for showing great growth through the nurture and nourishment of school and home

Friday 10th December 2021

FS2:                     Honey - for increasing confidence in school

                            Jesse - for being a good all-round member of the class

Year 1:                 Evalyn - for gaining independence in making the right choices

                            Liesl - for inspired story-writing                     

Year 2:                 Xavier - for speaking so confidently in our Christmas Nativity

                            Gracie - for making a greater effort with all her learning

Years 3/4:            Elliott C - for a super attitude to learning

                            James - for being very helpful in the classroom

                            Amelia - for doing her best in every subject

Years 5/6:            Maddie - for an incredibly moving piece of writing

                            Harley - creating a very detailed comic book linked to our topic

                            Peter - for always offering to help and participate

HT Star:              Evalyn - for eating right up to her crusts!

Friday 3rd December 2021

FS2:                     Thomas - for good RE knowledge and being willing to share with a larger audience

                             Aden - for listening more to others and knowing when to add his own contributions

Year 1:                 Pharrley - for trying hard with his learning at school

                            Austin - for being a polite and hard-working member of Year 1                

Year 2:                 Jude - for an excellent attitude towards reading and learning sounds

                            Felicity - for caring for others in a kind and helpful way

Years 3/4:            Tess - for a super diary entry

                            Stanley - for staying focused and hard-working in a such an exciting week

                            Pippa - for having such a positive attitude towards school and learning

Years 5/6:            Eliza T - for excellent explanations in maths

                            Sammy - for beautiful gymnastics demonstrations

                            Isla - for effort and determination to improve

HT Star:              Corey - for trying really hard with his handwriting

Friday 26th November 2021

FS2:                      Rome - for listening carefully to instructions and doing what he is asked

                             Mabel - for excellent phonics learning

Year 1:                 Damian - for being a faithful friend and for growing good sound knowledge

                            Mia - for being a budding author                     

Year 2:                 Cohen - for being an inspired author and using the spellings he knows in his writing

                            Frankie - for being faithful to his friends and guiding them with their learning

Years 3/4:            Sebastian - for being keen to engage in all his learning and always going the extra mile

                            Elliot R - for being kind and caring, and showing love of others

                            Pippa - for showing confidence when learning new things and not giving up

Years 5/6:            Toby - for good concentration and participation in lessons

                            Anna - for great reading to an adult

                            Boston - for super teamwork in art  

HT Star:              IC - for being a supportive and understanding friend

Friday 19th November 2021

FS2:                      Louis - for challenging himself with child-initiated maths

                             Jasper - for trying really hard with his handwriting

                             Kaya - for being a faithful friend to all members of the class

Year 1:                  Evalyn - for being a faithful friend

                            Jack - for inspired story-writing                     

Year 2:                 Katryn - for thinking and helping others after she has completed her own task

                            Frankie - for excellent maths showing confidence and enjoyment

Years 3/4:            Lilah - for going the extra mile with her writing

                            Noel - for his excellent reading

                            Isla - for showing love of others by being a kind friend

Years 5/6:            Henry - for joining on with the Diwali dance workshop so enthusiastically (Love of Life)

                            Ryleigh - for joining on with the Diwali dance workshop so enthusiastically (Love of Life)

                            Harley - for reading out his experiences of Rhos so well in the assembly (Love of Myself)

                            Maddie - for being a supportive friend to others (Love of Others)

HT Star:              Alfie C - for trying his hardest in everything he does

Friday 12th November 2021

FS2:                      Rome - for trying really hard to learn his sounds

                             Jesse - for trying really hard with his writing

Year 1:                  Isla - for working really hard in lots of different lessons

                             Alfie S - for wobbling well                     

Year 2:                 Noah - for a great effort to read and spell words correctly

                            Ted - for creative thinking when making a poppy

Years 3/4:            Corey - for his excellent knowledge and enthusiasm in maths

                            Finn - for being a good role model

                            Ella - for her brilliant reading and discussion during guided reading

Years 5/6:            Kacey - for effort and determination

                            Isla - for an excellent attitude in maths

HT Star:               Lia - for a superb independent story

Friday 5th November 2021

FS2:                     Isaak - for good number-ordering to 20

                             Luca - for good number-ordering to 20

Year 1:                 Jack - for reflecting on his work and learning from his mistakes

                             Lily - for enthusiastic learning and thinking

                            Evie - for trying to write more independently

Year 2:                 Oliver - for improved enthusiasm and focus in maths

                            Milla - for writing with more speed but the same quality

Years 3/4:            Sophie - for trying really hard with her writing

                            Rafa - for his excellent knowledge of addition and subtraction

                            Millie - for trying really hard with her reading

HT Star:              T - for working so well independently and taking on a  lot of responsibility

Thursday 21st October 2021

FS2:                     Mabel - for great concentration and focus on all areas

                             Evie - for showing great independence

Year 1:                 Alfie S - for high interest and engagement in all his learning

                            Alex - for trying really hard in class

                            Joshua - for trying really hard in class

Year 2:                 Alex - for high interest and engagement in all his learning

                            Katryn - for completing more home learning

Years 3/4:            James - for being a kind friend

                            Pharrell - for always being keen and ready to learn

                            Isla - for always trying her best with her learning

Years 5/6:            Luke - for effort and determination

                            Eliza T - for perseverance when learning

                            Logan - for good engagement with the class text

HT Star:               Phoebe - for great improvement in all areas and being an exemplary role model

Friday 8th October 2021

FS2:                     Arlo - for great work and coming into school with a smile

                             Kaya - for showing 'love of others' when helping another child with their buttons

Year 1:                 Amber - for great effort in all subjects

                            Henry - for respectful behaviour around school

Year 2:                 Alice - for inspired,creative writing

                            E - for showing 'love of others' teaching the Year 1s how to use a digital camera

Years 3/4:            Eva - for clear recording when crossing ten in maths

                            Noel - for good understanding of conductors and insulators in science

                            Elliott - for great visualisation drawing in English

Years 5/6:            Phoebe - for exciting and engaging writing

                            Eliza B - for having the confidence to improve her handwriting

                            Amelia - for quiet, careful effort in all lessons

HT Star:               Scarlet - for looking after all the younger children so well in 'This and That' club


Friday 1st October 2021

FS2:                   Louis - for his great sense fo humour

                           Lily - for always doing what is asked and expected

Year 1:               Max - for taking reponsibility for his independent learning

                          Alfie C - for being a lovely member of our school in every way

Year 2:               Willow - for being a responsible Year 2

                          Xavier - for showing creative flair in all learning

Years 3/4:          Lilah - for having the courage to read in church

                          Pippa - for having the courage to read in church

                          Annie - for having the courage to read in church

                          Lily - for having the courage to read in church

Years 5/6:         Darcey - for having the courage to read in church

                         Jennifer - for being helpful and kind, and producing exceptional work

                         T - for perseverance and effort in lessons

HT Star:            Peter - for just being an all-round lovely persn who lives life to the full


Friday 24th September 2021

FS2:                       Everyone - for settling in so brilliantly at Englefield

Year 1:                   Damian - for a 'ready to learn' attitude

                              Phoebe - for wobbling well independently

Year 2:                  Jude - for being an inspired learner

                              Gracie - for taking pride in her learning

Years 3/4:              Amelia - for her fantastic piece of art linked to our book

                              Sebastian - for trying so hard with his writing

                              Mollie - for always having a go and not giving up

Years 5/6:              Harrison - for being an excellent role model

                              Will - for a great attitude in maths

HT Star:                Kacey - for working hard and overcoming her worries

Friday 17th September 2021

Year 1:                   Austin - for showing an interest loving God's world

                              Mia - for showing an interest loving God's world

Year 2:                   Cohen - for loving others

                              Felicity - for loving others

Years 3/4:              Elliot R - for always being keen to learn new things

                              Stanley - for sharing his excellent maths knowledge

                              Bailey - for being a kind and caring friend

Years 5/6:              Grace  - for leading an excellent act of worship about our values

                              Sammy - for leading an excellent act of worship about our values

                              Wilf - for showing a love of others when agreeing to swap his lunch with someone else

                              Darcie - for showing a love of others when agreeing to swap her lunch with someone else

HT Star:                Felicity - for knowing that Christians believe that Jesus is God

Friday 10th September 2021

Year 1:                     Pharrley - for being such a respectful and polite Year 1

                                Alex - for being ready to learn

Year 2:                     Oscar - for begin mature and responsible

                                Frankie - for being ready to learn

Years 3/4:               Luke - for always being engaged and ready to learn

                               Tess - for settling in at Englefield so well

                               Scarlet - for settling in at Englefield so well

Years 5/6:               Peter - for settling in at Englefield so well

                               Zander - for settling in at Englefield so well

                               Lily - for a focused start to the year

HT Star:                  Wilf - for a great start to the new school year and for doing everything he has been asked to do



