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Stars of the Week

Friday 31st January 2025

FS2:                   Marley - for enthusiastic independent writing

                           Jon - for enthusiastic independent writing

Year 1:               Leo - for a positive attitude to learning

                           Theo - for imaginative work and problem-solving

Year 2:               Matilda - for enthusiastic sharing of knowledge

                           Lola - for independent creative writing

Years 3/4:          Lily M - for always trying hard in all areas of learning

                           Max - for excellent handwriting

                           Evie W - for fantastic maths knowledge

                           Louis - for always being a caring friend

Years 5/6:          Noah - for excellent care and attention when spelling

                           Willow - for sharing her strategies in maths

                           Ella - for always pushing herself in lessons

                           Stanley - for sharing his knowledge across the curriculum

HT Star:             Elliot - for being amazing and always doing the right thing

Friday 17th January 2025

FS2:                   Sulliman - for excellent independent learning

                           Kenzo - for great independent writing

Year 1:               Penny - for great work in phonics and English

                           Lola - for imaginative story-telling language

Year 2:               Florence - for her great work ethic - well done and keep it up!

                           Rex - for giving excellent explanations in maths

Years 3/4:          Luca - for his mature attitude towards learning - keep it up

                           Alex - for trying really hard with his spellings

                           Amber - for her positive attitude towards learning

Years 5/6:          Oscar - for always being ready to share in class

                           Gracie - for excellent presentation in all books

                           Maya - for careful work in 'spelling'

                           Eli - for consistent effort in all lessons

HT Star:             Elsie - for exceptional problem-solving across the curriculum

Friday 6th December 2024

FS2:                   Rufus - for good doubling

                           A - for coming into school with a smile

Year 1:               Fenn - for independent writing

                           Milo - for expressing his feelings articulately

Year 2:               Jessica - for great organisation in the Nativity

                           Eva - for great work towards the Nativity

Years 3/4:          Mia - for always doing the right thing and being a good role model

                           Ben - for his excellent reading

                           Lily H - for trying really hard with her maths learning

Years 5/6:          Ollie - for beautiful, careful artwork

                           Frances - for being sensible and focused in lessons

                           Elliot - for consistently making the right choices

                           Eva - for being caring and thoughtful toward others

                           Rafa - for going the extra mile for Children in Need

HT Star:             Ella - for being a positive role model and a reliable Year 6

Friday 22nd November 2024

FS2:                    Harper - for being a delight to have in the class

                           Arthur T - for being a quiet and reliable member of the class

Year 1:               Lucas - for always trying hard and for his beautiful presentation

                           Robyn - for always trying hard with perseverance

Year 2:               Rory - for trying hard with phonics

                           Eoin - for great computing skills

Years 3/4:          Austin - for excellent drama skills during our class debate

                           Evie S - for excellent drama skills during our class debate

                           Arlo - for excellent drama skills during our class debate

                           Alex - for fabulous netball-passing skills

Years 5/6:          Alice - for being 'on the ball' in maths

                           Xavier - for active participation in all lessons

                           Teddy - for excellent teamwork during science

                           Isla - for resilience in maths

                           Rafa - for going the extra mile for Children in Need

HT Star:           Kian - for representing the school well at a football tournament

Friday 8th November 2024

FS2:                    Elsie - for quick and logical thinking

                           Felicity - for great independent writing using phonic knowledge

Year 1:               Phiorella - for an all-round mature and responsible attitude

                           Sofia - for enthusiastic learning and intelligent discussion

Year 2:               Billy - for a positive attitude

                           Cooper - for a positive attitude

Years 3/4:          Jesse - for excellent maths work

                           Honey - for super English thought-bubbles and clouds

                           Joshua - for always working hard in all areas of learning

                           Phoebe - for a positive attitude towards all of her learning

Years 5/6:          Felicity - for being a dependable learner

                           Ted - for being focused in lessons

                           Mollie - for her effort and attitude in maths

                           Elliott - for a good attitude to reading

HT Star:            Eoin - for being such a wonderful friend to a younger pupil

Friday 11th October 2024

FS2:                    Ottie - for increased confidence

                           Ottilie - for increased confidence

Year 1:               Leo - for independence with writing

                           Freddie - for conscientious working

Year 2:               Malina - for a positive attitude to cursive handwriting

                           O - for a positive attitude to cursive handwriting

Years 3/4:          Thomas - for helping others and being a good friend

                           Liesl - for excellent effort in maths

                           Rome - for super ideas in English

Years 5/6:          E - for a beautifully-presented double-page spread

                           Cohen - for excellent story-writing

                           Corey - for fantastic participation in lessons

                           Finn - for completing extra maths homework

HT Star:            Rafa - for a superb attitude to being in Year 6

Friday 27th September 2024

FS2:                    All our new FS2 pupils - for settling brilliantly at their new school

Year 1:               Theo - for an all-round positive attitude

                           Penny - for writing

Year 2:               Teddy - for independent phonics work

                           Anna-Sophia - for a mature attitude to learning

Years 3/4:          Jack - for good focus during learning time

                           Alfie S - for always being a good role model and being ready to learn

                           Halima - for always trying her best with all her learning

Years 5/6:          Milla - for always participating in discussions

                           Aiva - for a confident start to Year 6

                           Jude - for excellent focus in lessons

                           Kian - for a good start to Year 6

HT Star:            Cohen - for being appreciative and for shining in Year 5
