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School Council

                                      Sowing the Seeds for a Flourishing Future

Our school council is made up of 2 pupils from each year group giving a total of 14 pupils. The school council has an important role to play in school: building a brighter future, giving the pupils a voice and ensuring they are involved in decision-making across the school. Previous councils have been responsible for introducing Pebbles (our pet tortoise) to the school, for getting our new cookery area built and for introducing some new clubs to our extra-curricular provision.

We look forward to seeing what this year's school councillors will do!

School Councillors for 2023/24 

Projects for 2022/23

1. Outdoor Learning for KS2

2. Outdoor Activities for all children 

3. Outdoor calm area (part of Ruby's Garden)

4. Display frames to celebrate excellent examples of pupils' work

Projects for 2021/22


1. Love of God's World: Make our school a more environmentally place to learn.


2. Love of God's World: Develop our school gardens so we can improve God's world and have fun planting and caring for plants so they flourish and grow.


3. Love of God: Develop a Prayer Area in school.


4. Love of Others: Make links with a global charity who support children and learning.


5. Love of Life: Introduce a 'Cabinet of Curiosity' to ensure all members of our school community continue to have a love of learning about new things.



Projects for 2019/20

Last year we worked on the following projects which came from pupil suggestions:


1. Enrichment: survey the pupils to check whether the extra-curricular activities we provide are suitable and to get

   suggestions for changes that might encourage more participation, especially in physical activities.


2. Curriculum: increase the number of times that Outdoor Learning is incorporated into our KS2 curriculum plans.


3. Playground: find a suitable location for a quiet area and find seating etc. to make it attractive to pupils.


4. Community: find a charity that supports children in another country that will give us a positive focus for fund-raising as

    well as an opportunity to build relationships with a different community.


Owing to Covid-19, not all projects were completed.
