A day in school can be long and children need the fuel to keep them going so we strongly encourage all our children to have a cooked meal at lunchtime. Eating is a social activity as well as a pleasurable one, all our children sit together in our school hall to enjoy their lunch. Sometimes if a child is a picky eater, seeing their friends eat a dish can encourage them to try it too. Here at Englefield we are part of a catering contract, our provider is Caterlink. Information on Caterlink can be downloaded from the documents section below.
In order that we are providing meals that our children like to eat we work closely with our children, parents and our provider Caterlink on menu content. We believe we offer a variety of dishes that are healthy and nutritious, salad and fresh fruit is an option every day, as well as freshly baked bread - there is always something for everyone Menus are changed three times per year and we endeavour to offer dishes appropriate to the season. Lunches are freshly prepared and cooked on our own school premises by our experienced cook. Our kitchen staff are very much part of our school staffing team, they get to know our children well, they know what their likes and dislikes are! Our cook can cater for children with a variety of allergies and those with a restricted diet.
Children in Key Stage 1 (FS2 - Year 2) can receive a school meal free of charge as part of the government's Universal Free School Meal initiative. We encourage you all to take advantage of this, it can help introduce your child to a variety of meals they may not necessarily try at home.
When your child moves into Key Stage 2 (Year 3 - Year 6) meals will need to be paid for. The current cost of a meal is £3.01, which will increase to £3.15 in September 2024. Parents need to register with Caterlink as payments are all made online, Caterlink do not accept cash or cheque payments.
If your family is entitled to free school meals then do please get in touch with us.
To see what's on the menu for this term please click on the downloads below.