Well the school grounds got some serious TLC this morning thanks to our merry band of volunteers. The weather was on our side and we had a really sociable time which included a good chat over bacon rolls and cuppas.
Ruby's garden and the adventure playgrounds were weeded; ivy, nettles and brambles were cut back; new ride-ons were built; footballs wer blown up; the dishwasher and a leaky tap were fixed; Pebbles' boxes were washed and put away until next Spring; the grit box was cleared out; our dead tree was removed; benches were tightened up, and finally the pond area had a massive prune and clear-out so we can actually see water again!! On top of that, all the garden waste was either composted or removed.
Many many thanks to the Hawthorn, Vaughan and Burgess families, plus Messrs Mitchell, White, Tomes and Blyth. Thanks also go to Mrs Sheppard and Mrs Carney, to Mrs Higley for her recent work in Ruby's Garden and to Mrs Leftley and Mrs Read for their help with the PTA shed.
A job very well done!