All classes have spent time this week finding out about key figures and events from the Civil Rights Movement and beyond.
KS1 have been researching Mary Seacole. Rome and Luca explained: ‘We learned that when Mary Seacole died, a statue was made in London to remember her because she was a really special person in the Crimean War.’ Lola presented her learning clearly. Sofia brought in a book written by Floella Benjamin which the children enjoyed hearing.
Years 3 and 4 have been finding out about Dr Martin Luther King Junior. They found out about the ‘I have a dream…’ speech, thought about the current issues that mattered to them and then wrote their own speeches.
I have a dream that one day the Russia and Ukraine war will stop.
I have a dream that everyone will have peace.
I have a dream that we will plant more trees.
I have a dream that the whole world will love everyone and the world.
Damian Year 3
Year 5/6 have been learning about Nelson Mandela. Bo wrote: ‘For Black History Week in Years 5 and 6 we read a book written about Nelson Mandela and learnt about how he spent his whole life fighting for freedom and protesting against racism. The next day we did a comprehension and read another text. Then we drew round Nelson Mandela’s face and wrote sentences instead of drawing lines. It was very tricky but some people did it really well.’ See Amelia’s picture overleaf.