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Year 2

We hope that you have enjoyed 'Loving Life' during the Christmas break with your family and friends. We really look forward to helping you to flourish further this year with many fun activities and experiences to help your learning grow. 


Remember, wherever possible, what we do in school is centred around our school values which are based on love in different ways. Share with your family how we show these school values or invite them to come and visit and see for themselves.

Love of God

Love of Others

Love of Myself

Love God's World

Love of Life





This term we will be studying the novel 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' retold by Mac Barnett. This is a brilliant retelling of one of the traditional tales the children really love.

As part of our Science learning we will be learning about animals, including humans and goats!




Please look at the Curriculum Web (below) to see what else we are

learning this term.


In R.E. we will be digging deeper to try and answer to this question:

Why do Christians Celebrate Christmas?  




Year 2 Curriculum Webs

Our Week

Please remember that children need navy shorts and an Englefield blue P.E t shirt. For outdoor P.E children will need also navy sweatshirt and navy tracksuit bottoms. These are in addition to play time 'overs'. Children also need a pair of outdoor shoes/trainers/wellies for play times. 

Our Shared Learning Activities 

Knowledge Organisers for 2024-25

Woodland Learning - Friday mornings

We will be out and about again this term - exploring the woodland on the Englefield Estate and also enjoying completing outdoor activities based within the school grounds. Mrs Sheppard and Mrs Street will be looking for at least 5 parent helpers each week as we are a larger group. We do need parents to help with Woodland Learning as without the legally required number of adults, we are unable to take the children out onto the Englefield Estate. If you are able to help, either regularly or just occasionally, please get in touch via our class email. 


Children will need 'overs' or a puddle suit and wellington boots and as the weather gets colder please also ensure they have warm socks, gloves and a hat. 


Reading Lists

We love you to read anything and everything. Reading feeds your mind! The following list is merely a guide for families to help with choosing books from school, your local library or to have at home.

Websites for home learning
