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Woodland Learning

Woodland Learning is the highlight of our week in Foundation Stage 2 and Key Stage 1. Once a week the children head off to the woods, the deer park or the wooded drive area to carry out learning tasks from across the curriculum. Sometimes these are complete learning experiences in their own right but on occasion they are experiences that then support the children back in school with their creative writing.

Today,  we were delighted that Dr Liz Mattison and Rich Edwards from Englefield Estate organised a special Woodland Learning session for the children. It was a fabulous session and the children loved learning about how the trees in the Englefield woodland were managed. They became the trees themselves with someone chosen to 'thin them out' - a very interactive session. The children all really understood the process and why it is important to fell some of the trees every few years. The highlight of the session was individually planting a small oak tree. Linking their learning to geography, the children also learned first hand about the human and physical aspects of the estate and also about the habitats of all the creatures that live there.

We were so fortunate in having such experts to enhance our learning. Thank you.

