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Year 3 and Year 4

Welcome back Year 3 and 4!


We hope you have had a wonderful summer break. We look forward to welcoming you all back into school and hearing about everything you have been doing over the summer.


Remember our school values which are based on love in different ways and the importance of these both at home and in school.


Love of God

Love of Others

Love of Myself

Love God's World

Love of Life


Our maths learning will cover the following units: place value and measure in both year 3 and 4. In addition to these, we will be strengthening the children's maths fluency with regular practice of the basic facts. Year 4 will also be focusing on the times tables in preparation for the Multiplication Tables Check - a national assessment that takes place in June.


In science we will be learning about states of matter. Our Geography unit is all about mapping. In RE we will be learning about what Christians learn from the Creation story.




Our PE days are Monday (outdoors) and Thursday (indoors) but please make sure kit is in school every day, especially as we will be doing a PE Kit check on Friday 13th September. 



Please do look at the Curriculum Overview below to gain more detail about what we will be learning this term.




Leon and The Place Between

Year 3 and 4 Curriculum Webs

Our Shared Learning Activities

Reading List

The attached reading list has been produced in response to parents' requests for ideas about what their children should be reading. It only covers fiction narrative and is only a guide to the type of books and authors that your child might enjoy. The list does not include non-fiction or poetry.

Happy reading!

Help with Maths
