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Year 3 and Year 4

Welcome back after the Easter break. We hope the weather didn't spoil too many plans!


This term, Mrs Latimer will continue to teach the class on Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Sinclair will teach for the remainder of the week.


Between now and summer, our English work will focus on the book 'Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx', along with various non-fiction books which will support our history topic. This term, we are placing great emphasis on transcription skills (handwriting, spelling) along with developing more complex sentence structures and increasing writing stamina.


Our maths learning will cover the following units: fractions, decimals (Y4), time, money, properties of shape, mass and capacity (Y3), position and direction (Y4); everyone will finish with statistics. In addition to these, we will be strengthening the children's maths fluency with regular practice of the basic facts. Year 4 will also be focusing on the times tables in preparation for the Multiplication Tables Check - a national assessment that takes place in June.


In science we will be learning about animals, including humans. This unit mainly focuses on nutrition, the skeleton and muscles.


Our history unit is 'Ancient Egyptians' in which we will learn about life during this time. The children will be developing the skills necessary to be a good historian, including using primary sources. They will also get a brief overview of other ancient civilisations.


In RE we will be learning about Sikhism.


Our PSHE will focus on relationships and 'changing me'.


Our PE days are Wednesdays (cricket) and Fridays (swimming - starting 19th April) but please make sure kit is in school every day, especially as we will be putting on extra Sports Day practices this term. For swimming, the children will need a swimming costume, towel and goggles. Children with long hair must wear a swimming hat and all earrings must be removed.


Our music this term will be KS2 Band. John Dean (who taught out Tenor Horn lessons) will be leading this every Monday aftrenoon. Children are welcome to play their horn or any other instrument they learn. There will be percussion instruments available for those who prefer.


Please do look at the Curriculum Overview below to gain more detail about what we will be learning this term.


Our Year 3/4 residential will be taking place from Wednesday 22nd May until Friday 24th May.


All year groups will be having assessments in the week of May 13th to 17th so plesae ensure your child is in school that week.



Reading List

The attached reading list has been produced in response to parents' requests for ideas about what their children should be reading. It only covers fiction narrative and is only a guide to the type of books and authors that your child might enjoy. The list does not include non-fiction or poetry.

Happy reading!

Help with Maths
