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Year 5 and Year 6

Welcome to Year 5 and 6


In Year 5 and 6 we continue to nurture and nourish the seeds sown in the earlier years and start to benefit from the flourishing that independence brings. Pupils are encouraged to show our values in everything that we do.


Love of Self is shown through pride in our work and in our standards of dress and behaviour. Pupils eat a healthy snack at breaktimes and look after themselves by playing well together. The Year 5 and 6 pupils learn how to cycle safely with Bikeability lessons.  


Love of Others is a key component in our KS2 classroom. We listen carefully to each other and show respect for each other's beliefs and opinions. The older children thrive on looking after the younger children in school and our Year 5 and 6 pupils take great pride their school jobs. We also help out in the office at lunchtimes. 


Love of God's World is very important to our class. We respect the environment by keeping our class tidy, not wasting resources and electricity.  We are so lucky to have such a beautiful setting for our school and we regularly turn to this for inspiration for our class work. 


Love of Life is fundamental to our learning in Years 5 and 6. We strive to instill a passion for learning in all subjects. Extra curricular pursuits are encouraged and celebrated. We aim to find joy in life and share our joy with each other. Lots of our class enjoy many extra curricular activities such as playing football for teams in the local league, taking part in gymnastics tournaments, learning an instrument or singing in the school choir. We have many trips and sporting fixtures planned this term so keep an eye on the school calendar.


As a Church of England School, we show Love of God through daily acts of reflection and worship. Pupils are invited to participate in prayer and song. Pupils lead weekly acts of worship in our Key Stage Assembly and are invited to lead the school in prayer during our weekly Celebration Assembly. Our local Church - St Mark's - is a beautiful place for us to visit which we do regularly



 Our current topic is Mountains and to support this unit we will be reading Everest by Alexandra Stewart and Joe Todd-Stanton in our English Lessons. Our Geography and Art lessons will be also based on mountains. 





Please take a look at our new term's Curriculum Web for all of the objectives we will be covering, including our termly vocabulary. 

We also have a new timetable and new knowledge organisers and shared learning grids to link with our new topic.  

Year 5 and 6 Weekly Timetable

Home learning websites

Websites for Times Tables Practice at home

A Few Reminders

P.E. kit should be brought to school each Monday and be taken home each Friday. This means that P.E. kit is in school every day. Timetabled P.E. in Year 5 & 6 is on Monday and Thursday but this is might change to fit with school events.


The correct P.E. kit is:

  • a school games polo shirt;
  • navy blue shorts;
  • trainers for outdoor games.
  • girls - remember to pack a pair of socks when you are wearing tights.
  • Tracksuit bottoms and top, preferably in plain dark colours (for cold weather only).

Stay safe on the internet

Help with Maths
