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Foundation Stage

Welcome back to all the FS2 children and families. It does not seem possible that you are commencing your Spring Term at Englefield, what an amazing Autumn Term you have had. We are excited about all the fun we are going to have this term.


This term the inspiration for our learning is based upon the Jessica Souhami book 'No Dinner'. The vibrant illustrations bring the tale to life, helping to teach us about story telling. This book will also help us to learn about the rich textures and colours of Indian Culture.


As well as having lots of fun exploring and learning about the Englefield Estate as our local environment, we will also be learning about what things are made from and how to paint using colour and shape. 


 Our R.E learning for the term will be about:

Creation stories in other cultures


We continue to help the children sow the seeds for a flourishing future during their time at Englefield and beyond. The class will continue to use our school values which are all centred on love:

Love of God

Love of Others

Love of Myself

Love God's World

Love of Life


We hope that you are hearing more about these values and how they impact on life both at school and at home.


Please do feel free to come and see for yourself how these values work within school. We also very much welcome parent helpers if you have any time to spare. Any such help is invaluable in supporting learning within school and also helps to build relationships between home and school. This help is welcomed on a regular or ad-hoc basis.





Please do look at the Curriculum Web (below) to gain more detail about what we will have fun discovering this term. We will be focusing on learning the Phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs using our Phonics Scheme 'My Letters and Sounds' by Schofield and Sims. 




Curriculum Overview


Shared Learning

Woodland Learning - Friday mornings


We will be out and about again this term - exploring the woodland on the Englefield Estate and also enjoying completing outdoor activities based within the school grounds. Mrs Sheppard and Mrs Street will be looking for at least 5 parent helpers each week as we are a larger group. We do need parents to help with Woodland Learning as without the legally required number of adults, we are unable to take the children out onto the Englefield Estate. If you are able to help, either regularly or just occasionally, please get in touch via our class email. 


Children will need 'overs' or a puddle suit and wellington boots and as the weather gets colder please also ensure they have warm socks, gloves and a hat. 


Other resources
