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Foundation Stage

We have enjoyed hearing about all the things the children did over Half Term.  It's lovely to have welcomed them back to another term of fun and learning. 


This term our learning will be based upon traditional tales, with focussed learning being attached to a contemporary story written in traditional tale style. 


We will be developing our knowledge of our King and also his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. In Science we have the very exciting topic of growing plants and we will be utilising our space in Ruby's Garden to grow and nurture as wide a variety of plants as possible. If any families have over-planted seeds for their own needs at home, we would be delighted to accommodate the surplus.


Our R.E learning for the term is based on stewardship and looking after the wonderful world around us. 


We look forward to helping the children sow the seeds for a flourishing future during their time at Englefield and beyond. The class will continue to use our school values which are all centred on love:

Love of God

Love of Others

Love of Myself

Love God's World

Love of Life


We hope that you are hearing more about these values and how they impact on life both at school and at home.


Please do feel free to come and see for yourself how these values work within school. We also very much welcome parent helpers if you have any time to spare. Any such help is invaluable in supporting learning within school and also helps to build relationships between home and school. This help is welcomed on a regular or ad-hoc basis.





Please do look at the Curriculum Overview below to gain more detail about what we will have fun discovering this term.


Curriculum Overview


Shared Learning

Woodland Learning - Friday mornings - Starting soon...

On Friday mornings FS2, Year 1 and Year 2 go out exploring the woodland on the Englefield Estate. We have found this learning outside not only very enjoyable but also very effective in covering a wide range of areas of the curriculum. In order for this woodland learning to take place we will be looking for at least 5 parent helpers each week as we are a larger group and we are off the school site. If you are able to help, please get in touch via our class email.


Children will need 'overs' or a puddle suit with outdoor shoes or wellie boots on rainy days. As the weather gets warmer, please remember to apply sunscreen before your child comes to school and provide them with a hat, long sleeved top and leggings/trousers. It is important that children are fully covered as we are in a deer park and deer ticks can cause Lyme Disease.

Other resources
